24) Interfaces

Need of Interfaces:


Suppose we have two classes Programmer and Manager both of them extend some common feature from Employee class.Now let say we have the below requirement/behavior to implement

That's the reason why interface are needed


package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public interface Interviewer {
	public void conductInterview();
package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public interface Trainable {
	public void attendTraining();
package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public class Employeeee {
	String name;
	String address;
	String phoneNumber;
	String experience;
package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public class Manager extends Employeeee implements Interviewer, Trainable {
	int teamSize;
	void reportProjectStatus() {
	public void attendTraining() {
		System.out.println("Mgr - attendTraining");
	public void conductInterview() {
		System.out.println("Mgr - conductInterview");
package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public class Programmer extends Employeeee implements Trainable {
	String[] programmingLanguages;
	void writeCode() {
	public void attendTraining() {
		System.out.println("Prog - attendTraining");
package com.gs.ilp.corejava.interfaces;

public class TestInterfaces {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Manager manager = new Manager();

		Programmer programmer = new Programmer();



Defining Interfaces:

Types of methods in an interface :

Rules to implement Interface:

A class can implement multiple interfaces:

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Multiple inheritance is possible using Interfaces:

Properties of a member of an interface:

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